Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Room To Grow!

It's a great big world for indie authors! 

According to Fast Company Magazine (May 2011), Amazon sells more ebooks than paper books.  Since arriving on the scene in November 2007, Kindle book sales have surpassed hardcover books sales, six months later, Kindle books then outsold paperback books. 

As mentioned in an Amazon annoucement, for every 100 print and paper books Amazon has sold, it has also sold 105 ebooks.  As stated by Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, Amazon customers are "choosing Kindle books more often than print books. We had high hopes that this would happen eventually, but we never imagined that it would happen this quickly".

Amazon buyers are buying Kindle books at a rate three times faster than paper books during the same period, representing a huge change in reading habits. 

Make sure you're putting your works out there, put yourself among the number of authors being read electronically!

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