Saturday, December 3, 2011

Big news for bbpco!

Awesome news for bbpco!  This month marks the official publication date for our new kindle title, Soul Powerful, Everyday Life Lessons for Uncovering and Recovering Your Greatness Within.  Look for us in the kindle bookstore!  Or click here and we will take you directly to the title page!

Keep writing!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Room To Grow!

It's a great big world for indie authors! 

According to Fast Company Magazine (May 2011), Amazon sells more ebooks than paper books.  Since arriving on the scene in November 2007, Kindle book sales have surpassed hardcover books sales, six months later, Kindle books then outsold paperback books. 

As mentioned in an Amazon annoucement, for every 100 print and paper books Amazon has sold, it has also sold 105 ebooks.  As stated by Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, Amazon customers are "choosing Kindle books more often than print books. We had high hopes that this would happen eventually, but we never imagined that it would happen this quickly".

Amazon buyers are buying Kindle books at a rate three times faster than paper books during the same period, representing a huge change in reading habits. 

Make sure you're putting your works out there, put yourself among the number of authors being read electronically!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Join the ebook movement! Let your voice be ... read!

Big gains on the ebook front! 

According to figures released today by BookStats, the joint AAP, BISG program developed to create an analysis of industrywide sales, total book publishing revenue rose 3.1% in 2010 to $27.9 billion and posted a two-year growth of 5.6%, this gain was due almost entirely to increases in digital products which offset the decline in all print formats. 

Ebook sales across all catagories rose 38.9% in 2010 to $1.62 billion.  Within the trade segment, ebook sales soared 1,274.1% to $878 million in the 2008-2010 period $203% in 2010 compared to 2009). 

According to BookStats, regular ebook (text only) sales rose 201% last year to $863.7 million and enhanced ebook sales increased 255.1% to $14.3 million. Unit sales of ebooks rose 215.5% in 2010 to 111.9 million.

Isn't it time that you got yourself into the market?  What's stopping you?

Keep writing!  Stay Independent!

Monday, July 18, 2011

New Website is up and running!

Exciting news for BBP Co!  The new website address is officially up and running!  This new interface will allow indie authors to check out our new and upcoming titles as well as check out issues of This Midlife Thing Magazine.

Also, should new indie authors wish to join with us in making their publishing dreams come true, we would be happy to have you aboard!

Check us out!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Who is reading eBooks? Show me the market!

According to GfK MRI, the country’s leading provider of magazine audience ratings, multimedia research data and penetrating insights into consumers’ behavior and motivations, eReader ownership by adults has tripled in less than two years and women prefer eReaders.
GfK MRI describes eReaders as “a portable, wireless reading device that allows you to download and read electronic books, magazines and newspapers. It is not a laptop, cell phone or PDA.”
Approximately 5.9 million US adults own an eReader, according to the latest data from GfK MRI; this is up from 2.1 million owners in the March-October period of 2009 when GfK MRI first began asking consumers about their usage of devices like the Amazon Kindle and Sony Reader.  The most recent data shows that now 49% of eReader owners are male and 51% are women.
According to Anne Marie Kelly, SVP of Marketing and Strategic Planning at GfK MRI, “while electronic tablets have created lots of buzz amid increased competition in the market, eReaders continue to be very popular items.”

What are eReader owners reading on their devices?  Books are still the medium of choice among eReader owners.  An overwhelming majority of the eReader owners interviewed by GfK MRI in the last 12 months of ending October 31 2010 (74.9%) had read a book on their device in the last six months, compared to newspapers (17.6%) and magazines (15.3%).  Women are 23% more likely than men to have read a book on their eReader in the last six months.  Drilling down to the brand level, the Amazon Kindle appears to be the reader favorite as women are 63% more likely than men to own an Amazon Kindle and are twice as likely to own a Barnes and Noble Nook.
What does this mean for the indie author?  In the past, traditional publishing had barred the gates into the market for many new authors.   The invent of eReaders levels the playing field and  increases the possibility of getting your independent works noticed by potentially millions of readers to whom a new writer would have had no exposure to before.  Now, any author can get his or her works published and made available. Publishing independently blows the gates wide open for new indie authors wanting to get their works in front of this ever-increasing reader base.
So what do you have to lose?  Keep writing!  Stay Independent!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Become a fear-less writer!

Self Publishing Superstar, Seth Godin, published an amazing blog entry today titled “Waiting for the fear to subside”.  Seth Godin has written 12 bestsellers that have been translated into 33 languages including “Poke the Box” and “Linchpin-Are You Indispensible”. 
According to Seth, there are two problems with the strategy of waiting for the fear to subside.  He states, “by the time the fear subsides, it will be too late. By the time you're not afraid of what you were planning to start/say/do, someone else will have already done it, it will already be said or it will be irrelevant”.  

Haven’t you ever read an article or release about an upcoming title and said to yourself “Hey, that was my idea!” or thought that you could have done a better job with the subject?  Well, why don’t you just do it?  Now?  Are we afraid, as Seth says that something might happen?  Something good? 

Seth states that the “fear certainly helps you do it better. The fear-less one might sleep better, but sleeping well doesn't always lead to your best work. The fear can be your compass; it can set you on the right path and actually improve the quality of what you do”.  Fear can serve as a catalyst to the independent writer.  A motivator to move us in the right direction, fear as a motivator can force us to make our own publishing dream an independently published reality.

Lastly, Seth urges us to listen to our fear but do not obey it.  I say we go one better, we kick fear to the curb.  Oh, believe me, it will stick its head up repeatedly, but we will have to fight it back every time.

That is the “blessing” in being an independent writer, as we are willing to “go it on our own”, we give the boot to the fear of “oh, no one will like it, “ or “there’s no market for this type of work” or the whole mess of negativity that has previously kept us from publishing our life’s work. 

Become a fear-less writer! Fearlessly send your work out into the world! Stay Independent!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day to all indie authors and publishers!  Doing things your way, making your publishing dreams come true, have a safe holiday from all of us at BBP Co.

Keep Writing!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Subscribe now to the BBP Co. Indie Blogspot!

Subscribe now to the BBP Co., Indie Blogspot! Click on our link! 

We will offer insight, inspiration and ideas on making your independent publishing dreams come true.  And if you want to join us in making it happen, we welcome indie authors with open arms!  

And just so you know - no new content, no email!  Don't you hate it when your emailbox gets clogged with unnecessary stuff?  We do too!  Join us! 

Keep Writing! 

- Trudi

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Opening Day! Welcome!

First, allow me to introduce myself.  I am Trudi Thomas, Editor and Publisher of bbpco., an indie publishing house.

We specialize in getting literary works out to the public by means of electronic media.  Unfortunately, too many would be authors are cutoff at the pass by big city publishers who are only interested in your works if you have already proven that you are profitable.  In other words, you have to have already sold a book in order to be represented by them.  Or, you have to already be recognized as an author in order for them to peek at your hard work.  Too often, your hard work is tossed aside without even a second glance.  How many times has this happened to you?

At bbpco, we work with the artist/author to bring their work to fruition.  You have something to say, we want to give you the megaphone!
bbpco works hand in hand with the author, from start to finish from cover to cover with editing, cover artwork and formatting, marketing and publicity.  We help you get your works submitted in the top e-formats for sale on, Barnes and, iTunes and many other eBook venues.  We help to format your works for the popular ereaders such as Kindle, Kobo, iPad and others and soon we will add audiobook publishing to our services to offer our authors.

Take control of your publishing future, take the reins and make your own dreams come true!

Contact me today and let’s talk about how we can get started – together.

Talk to you soon!

Trumillia Lunnie-Thomas
Editor and Publisher, bbpco., an indie publishinghouse